Beautiful, immersive websites begin with elegant structure.

Any designer can build a “pretty” website, but what’s most important is that their experience of the content is elegant, clear and memorable.

Work with me


My Approach

I ensure that wherever you reach your audience — across digital platforms, in print, or in-person experiences — their experience is smooth, clear, and authentic to your brand.

Designing content is no different than designing a building. It starts with mapping out the information, building a supportive structure, organizing by area, and then styling for visual impact. Whether the end goal is a public building that any pedestrian could navigate, or a haunted castle full of hidden staircases and surprises, every choice is content-specific, resulting in a curated experience for anyone who enters.

See my work

Hi, I’m Hannah

I specialize in designing & developing websites, as well as other digital & print work. 

I have 10 years of freelance design experience with a wide range of clients, having worked with all kinds of organizations from large companies to agencies, to independent artists. Some of my past clients include House of Yes, Little Cinema, Hybycozo, and Exclusive Resorts.

Interested in branding? I also collaborate with branding agencies, including Swail Studio and Reid & Co.

 Lets connect